Branch Tracing: from brick walls to happy dances!

Welcome to my genealogy blog! Family is and has always been the most important thing in my life, so it is hardly surprising that genealogy is one of my passions. The genealogy bug took its first nibble of me when I was a child. A family researcher turned up at my maternal grandparents’ house looking for information and was promptly turned away by my grandmother, who claimed she had nothing to share with him. After he left, however, she laughed and brought out the family bible and some documents to show the immediate family gathered there, myself included. This behaviour was out of character for her, and I knew automatically that she was hiding something, that she was protecting her family from secrets she did not want revealed. Needless to say, my curiosity was well and truly piqued!

Time and life moved on, however, the memory remained! Whenever conversations turned to family history, I would sit and listen, soaking up the stories like a sponge, carefully trying to get more information without running into the protective walls. Then in 1996, our son had genetic testing looking for a cause of his autism, and my husband and I found that we could not answer a lot of the genetic counselor’s questions about our family trees. Determined to be able to fully answer such questions in the future, I then started researching our family trees, and the genealogy bug well and truly bit me!

Twenty-eight years later, I am still making new genealogical discoveries and I am more passionate than ever about it! Along the way, I have made fascinating discoveries, barked up the wrong tree, made mistakes and missteps, course corrected and regrouped numerous times. I have had contact with some wonderfully helpful and generous people and I have even helped some break down their own research brick walls. It has been a very interesting journey so far and promises to continue to be in the future! Thank you for joining me on my journey!






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